Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Photoshop is a professional software from Adobe
that allows for image -editing and graphics. It provides a diverse library of effects, filters and layers. It has become the leading digital editing application for the Internet, print and other new media forms.

The software is use by most graphic artists, visual communicators and us the regular people. Photoshop was the standard program for print industry; it is as effective and impressive in Web design.

It is likely to note that almost all photographs and pictures have been edited and created by Photoshop. It is impossible to know all the different tools present in the software as this outstanding has been around from 1982. That is an exceptional achievement of 26 years of troubleshooting!

It is the current postmodern photographer that applies intense meaning to the photographs. All photographs have stories to tell that are connected to the “bigger picture’. The increase popularity of this new media form has taken both professional and interested photographers into a world of the plentiful. The abundance of software programs creates a limitless expansion of the imagination.

In present society were everything is handed to you on a silver platter, photography is priceless as it allows for you to interpret and translate an image as you wish. Photography is a medium that is visually expressive that can catch your attention in a split second. Most people remember what they see rather than what they read.

The future of photography is interrelated to the development of digital technology. The steadfast rises in technical developments ensure the survival of photography. I salute the great forefathers of Photography who presented us the world of nostalgia, vision, interpretation, lifestyle and capturing of time.



Serisha Padayachee said...

Photoshop is an amazing application which allows the user to do almost anything, from distorting images to creating your own album!

It is truely a work of art which has contributed greatly to people taking active roles in photography. You no longer need a professional as you are able to use programs such as Photoshop to do everything for you and hence the products look as though they were done professionally.

Well done!

Thobeleni Mncwabe said...

I think the editing of photographs is very interesting. A person can now see a picture before it is printed out. They can decide on how bright they want it to be and can just delete it if they don't like it.

Cara Booysen said...

Since learning how to use Photoshop, I no longer trust photographs! It is all to easy to make a badly taken photo with inappropriate lighting, look good. In a way I feel sad for the truly talented photographers out there who don't need to rely on technology to make their work look amazing. With digital, everyone who owns a camera, considers themselves amateur seems to have become a fashionable and popular thing to be interested in photography. At least with digital we are able to afford it now, because once you've paid for the camera, 'developing' photos is free... having them printed is not cheap these days, especially when half the spool used to consist of very mediocre photos!

Kwezi Sontange said...

This is quite informative and also quite formal.. Iknow this guy who actually designs for metro FM using photoshop (he's doing his final yr in fine arts). then this other guys uses it to create business cards and such things - my point is that there is so much that can be done using photoshop its just a matter of applying logic to the software and letting things fall in place..

I've got the software installed to my PC but never really find the time to fiddle; i guess graphic design, as they call it, is not really my type of thing..

Are your into that kind of thing or do you just know a few things about photoshop??? Just curious.

Andrew McIntosh said...

I really enjoy photoshop. My digs mate introduced me to it e few months ago and I found it quite fun. I was able to manipulate things to how I wanted it. So know all I do is go onto his computer with my photos and tweak them here and there to make them look really cool. I treasure the pictures of my mates and I and to play around with them by 'pimping' them out makes even better...

Darshan Rangai said...

amazing piece of software that lets you manipulate pictures and editing them according to a specific desire of photography. such application allow for many incredible movie, velevision and even home videos to be created. you can even alter something that looked odd about you on a special day so you can have that picture and still look good. even silly pranks can be played on editing friends pictures the posibilities are near endless thats what makes it so much fun to mess around with